About the BIA
The BIA is comprised of all commercial property owners and business owners within a designated area of Bracebridge. The boundary lines were set by the Town of Bracebridge in 1981 and amended in 2001. Currently, the BIA extends along Manitoba Street, from Ontario Street to just past Monck Road. It also includes some streets on both sides of Manitoba Street and extends onto a portion of Ecclestone Drive. The BIA is over 200 members strong and has a diverse mix of businesses which include; retail, restaurant, hotel and specialty services. Furthermore, we are recognized as Muskoka’s Downtown.
Our Mission
The Bracebridge Business Improvement Area is an organization of businesses and property owners who, with member and community input, are dedicated to working together to create a vibrant, commercially successful, physically improved neighbourhood.

What is a BIA?
A BIA is an association of commercial property owners and tenants within a defined area who work in partnership with the Town to create a thriving competitive and safe business area that attracts shoppers, diners, tourists and new businesses.
BIA Activities
-Streetscape Improvement
-Seasonal Decorations
-Special Events & Marketing
Benefits of Being Part of the BIA
Builds the image of a Downtown and promotes it in an effective and coordinated manner
Attracts and maintains customers for the area
Provides a greater spirit of cooperation and enthusiasm within the business community
Generates greater community interest and pride
Increases municipal involvement in the Downtown
Provides a secure source of funding for undertaking short and long term projects in a planned and orderly fashion
Is an information and resource centre for business-related issues
Makes the Downtown a more attractive place to shop, work, live and do business!

Beautification Programs
Curb appeal and cleanliness play equally important roles in the beautification of our Downtown. The BIA manages all the hanging baskets and barrels along Manitoba street and the surrounding side streets. We also make arrangements with the Town of Bracebridge throughout the warmer months to have the street sweeper clean up the area. However, as a business owner you are responsible for the day-to-day upkeep of garbage, general cleanliness of the sidewalk and curb area in front of your businesses. This includes the regular removal of cigarette butts.

Here are the programs that are available in the BIA:
Signage Improvement Grant
Façade Improvement Grant/Loan
Building Improvement Grant/Loan
Property Improvement Grant/Loan
Housing Improvement Grant/Loan
Tax Increment Equivalent Grant
Member Communication
Our BIA meeting minutes and agendas are available to all. To view these documents, click the buttons below.
Subscribe to Members News and Updates
If you’re a BIA member and would like to receive our BIA news and updates via email, please subscribe by clicking the button below.
BIA Board of Management
Lindsay Alexander
BIA Chair
➤ Little Black Bow
☎ (705) 645-7734
Claire Jordan
BIA Vice Chair
➤ Kala House of Colour
☎ (647) 767-8345
Marc Baudendistel
➤Chancery Lane Co/Tea on the 45th
☎ (705) 645-4246
✉ marc@teaonthe45th.ca
Placida Veloira
➤ Rainment Loft
☎ (705) 637-0210
Angie Brown
➤ Ah Naturel
☎ (705)645-0000
Kailey Luker
➤ MooseFM
☎ (705)645-2218
Michael Dorbyk
➤ Bracebridge Hall
☎ (705) 637.0210
✉ michael@bbhall.ca
Appointed by the Town of Bracebridge
Deb Vernon
Town Councillor
✉ dvernon@bracebridge.ca
Barry Hammond
Town Councillor
✉ bhammond@bracebridge.ca
Jennifer Clancy
Manager of Economic Development
➤ Town of Bracebridge
☎ (705) 645-5264 EXT 35105
Tracy Larkman
BIA Manager
➤ Bracebridge BIA
☎ (705) 646-5590